A Hub for Neighborhood Wellness
Centralizing Health and Social Services
Location, Location, Location
Purposeful Design in a Repurposed Space Facilitating Community Access

Commerce city community Campus

The Commerce City Community Campus (C4) centralizes health and social services in one physical location and activates: 

  • Innovation: Creating a Hub for Neighborhood Wellness
  • Purposeful Design in a Repurposed Space
  • The Voice of Community: Responding to the Needs of Families
  • Collaboration: Strategic Partnership to Provide Holistic Care
These organizations have shown their support the C4; will you join them?

We Need YOUR Help to Bring Health Care to the C4!

Currently, Kids in Need of Dentistry (KIND) and Kids First Health Care are raising capital funds to build out clinical spaces within the C4!
Your donation to these organizations provides capital support to repurpose an existing county building
  • Renovating the existing space into comprehensive pediatric medical, behavioral, and oral health clinic spaces
  • Creating spaces and processes to formalize cross-agency collaboration
  • Opening by October 2021 to continue uninterrupted services to thousands of children in need!

An Innovative Solution
Centralizing Services on ONe Campus

Co-Location is Fundamental to Integrated, Client-Centered Experiences

C4 is centralizing health and social services, bringing services together, so our members don’t have to. Providing dedicated, innovative, and collaborative public, social, and health agencies working together to co-locate services and empower families.

Help Us Bring Health Care to the C4
New Organizations Joining with YOUR Support!

ULC Building Tenants: 7190 Colorado Blvd

On-Campus Partners

  • Tri-County Health Department: Offering 60+ services including immunizations, land use planning, birth and death certificates, health promotion  programming and planning, maternal child health services, children with special needs referrals, Medicaid assistance, syringe access, and sexual health including Women, Infants, & Children (WIC): Free nutritious foods and education for pregnant, and postpartum women, infants, and children
  • Adams County, CO: Supporting campus partners through on-site space options and resource support.
  • ACCESS Housing of Adams County, Inc: A neighborhood non-profit providing family shelter services and rental assistance.


Purposeful Design in a Repurposed Space

7190 Colorado Boulevard,
Commerce City, CO 80022

C4 is leveraging an existing community landmark, previously the County Human Services building, already occupied by collaborating social service agencies committed to addressing the Social Determinants of Health. KIND and Kids First are raising funds to repurpose portions of the building for clinical spaces. By adding healthcare services…

…The C4 is poised to become an innovative model for neighborhood wellness!

  • Conveniently located near the 72nd Street N-Line Light Rail Station & multiple RTD bus stops
  • Walking distance to two low-income Adams County schools
  • Nearby planned affordable housing development

Responding to Community Voice

Commerce City residents face a variety of social challenges known to impede health and drive high lifetime costs for families, communities, and systems.

  68% of families have co-existing health and Social Determinants of Health (SD0H) challenges
72%of Commerce City residents in the C4 area are low-to-moderate income.
  81% average of service population identifying as non-Caucasian in the race.
  83% of the C4 district’s children meet free-and-reduced lunch criteria.

Fragmented care and disjointed services create another layer of challenge.

The Problem: Navigating a Disjointed System


Rooted in Client Partnership

Holistic care, and thoughtful integration of health and social services, requires partners, willing to change systems to meet the needs of the community; not force the family to meet the needs of the systems.

ROI:  Connecting people to the full set of social and health supports they need provides a positive return on investment. Value-based care is evolving from a medical model to community-based, individual engagement.

How can you Help?

How can you help?   We’re so glad you asked!   This type of innovative effort often falls outside of traditional funding opportunities.

Donate Today or Become a Corporate Sponsor to Help Us Bring Healthcare to the C4! Donations will support:

  • Clinical space for pediatric integrated medical and behavioral care through Kids First Health Care
  • Clinical space for full service pediatric oral healthcare through Kids in Need of Dentistry (KIND)
  • Clinical space for full-service orthodontics through Colorado Orthodontic Foundation (COF)
  • Shared space for health and social services coordination and education

These organizations have shown their support the C4; will you join them?

Get Involved: We Are Looking For…

Ambassador or Liaisons: who can make introductions to connections, build community awareness, or sit on a committee.

Connect With C4 Leadership